Are you in pain? Is it time to see a physiotherapist?

Although physiotherapy is often associated with older adults, arthritis or injuries, it could be the key to getting rid of that dull pain in your back or joints. Don't downplay its benefits before you've tried it.

Below are signs that you need physiotherapy:

i.    Severe pain lasting longer than three days

It's not uncommon to experience pain after a rigorous training schedule, slight injury, or poor sitting and sleeping posture. Such pain typically disappears after several days, even without taking any medication. However, if the pain isn't going away even after taking anti-inflammatory medications, you might want to consider physiotherapy.

Physiotherapists will not just eliminate the pain, but they'll also identify the source and advise you how to prevent injury. The physiotherapist will also check if your pain is as a result of serious damage.

ii.    Changes in body movements

Have your friends and family noticed drastic changes in your posture or how you walk or reach for objects? Are you having trouble walking, running, crouching or bending? If yes, it's time to get the injury checked out.

Is your flexibility declining? Are you having trouble performing exercises such as touching your toes? Visit a physiotherapist who will assess the situation and help relax your muscles to improve flexibility.

Although most people dismiss the pain, saying that it will end after a few pain meds, you might want to see a physiotherapist, especially if it's affecting your movements. If you're finding it hard to sleep, work or function because of back or neck pain, you need to see a physiotherapist. They will look for any underlying issue and advise you on the best course of action.

iii.    Injury prevention

Adults typically seek the services of a physiotherapist to help reduce pain or to help with rehabilitation after an injury. Aside from this, a physiotherapist will examine you, evaluate your history and goals. This will help your physiotherapist understand how you move or work and identify any weaknesses that could lead to injury. If you're an athlete, the therapist will use the diagnosis to advise you on areas where you need to improve and ways to prevent injuries.

Some injuries are associated with certain sports. For example, you could tear your bicep while weight lifting but the pain keeps recurring even after you've healed. This is a problem that can be fixed through rehabilitation and strength training. A physiotherapist will help improve recovery and reduce the risk of injury.

Don't let your pain hold you down, visit a physiotherapist and get that problem fixed. To learn more about physio, contact a physiotherapist in your area.

434 Words

About Me

Understanding Massage Treatments Not everyone understands the benefit of undergoing massage treatments. That's why we started this blog. On this website we aim to education people about the different forms of massage treatment which are available to them, while also encouraging you to think about how undergoing massage therapy could improve your life. We hope that by removing some of the mystery from the massage process, we can encourage others to give it a go. We aren't professionals who work in this field, but we have all experienced massage treatment and have conducted our own research into this exciting and effective treatment. We hope you enjoy reading this blog.



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